Teachers don't necessarily WANT to work this many hours, but they don't believe it's possible to work less time and still be effective. I used to feel that way, too, but I was wrong.
My eyes were opened when I watched Angela Watson's online workshop for teachers, Trim Three (or More!) Hours Off Your Workweek NOW. Every time she introduced a new productivity strategy, I thought, "Wow! Why didn't I think of that?! I was amazed at the number of productivity tips and simple strategies she was sharing that could easily trim HOURS off a teacher's workweek!
When Angela said that making a few small changes can make a big difference in your workload, it was like a light bulb went off in my head! I realized that the most important thing we have to change is our mindsets. When we adopt a growth mindset and open ourselves to new possibilities, we start to see dozens of ways to save time and be more productive!
Watch Angela's free online workshop to see what I mean. This training will only be free until January 9th, so take time to watch it now while it's free.
If you like the strategies Angela shares in the webinar, take it a step farther by joining her 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club. If you do, I guarantee that you'll get even more drastic results!
According to a recent survey, club members who completed the course cut an average of 11 hours from their workweeks! Holy cow! That's over 500 hours a year!
I've written several posts about the 40 HTW Club because it's an amazing resource for teachers. I truly believe that if you can achieve work/life balance, you'll be a happier and more effective teacher, and this club will give you the tools to do that.
If you'd like to learn more about why the club is so amazing, read New Year's Resolutions that Will Help You Keep the Joy in Teaching and How to Get Organized and Keep the Joy in Teaching.
If you'd like to spend less time working, but you just don't think it's possible, you NEED to watch Angela Watson's free online training, Trim Three (or More!) Hours Off Your Workweek Now. If you implement just a few of the tips you learn, you'll be able to cut hours from your workweek with very little effort, and you'll be that much closer to achieving work/life balance!
Disclaimer: I'm an affiliate of Angela's 40 HTW Club which means I earn a commission each time someone purchases the course after clicking on my affiliate link. However, I would never recommend a course to you unless I was convinced it was absolutely amazing! I can assure you that if you're willing to do the work, your results will be amazing, even life-changing!
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